The Making Of A Guild

Answering The Call To Adventure

As veteran players of D&D and other board games, we wanted a space that the players could truly call home. One that wasn’t always trying to charge you more or try to sell you stuff you really didn’t need. One that truly sought to elevate the experience with props, miniatures, lights and sound effects! We love the games we play and we wanted to play them in a way that would truly elevate the offline gaming experience and not be focused on monetization. Thus a store is born!

Gathering The Party

Every great store needs an even greater community! At Guildhall, we chose to focus on a Membership model, ensuring that our community was safe, fun and friendly! Our members decide our priorities and are often asked to vote on what we should invest in/ work on next.

Your First Quest From The Tavern

All good adventures begin in taverns! So our Tavern themed club offers all the fun things you would expect to do!

– Go on an adventure! (By that we mean play D&D in our Homebrew Universe)

– Play games of chance! (Naw! No gambling! We mean play Board Games from our ever growing collection!)

– Make something beautiful (Paint a miniature or an army of miniatures for the heck of it!)

Slaying The Big Bad Evil Guy (BBEG)

Well, like any good party, we’re still on that! We are constantly at work to add in more new features, story elements and offerings for our members! So watch us as the chaotic good tavern owners attempt to slay the tabletop scene with a slew of evergrowing magic items!

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